Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

No measurements today.
Though I recommend a ratio of 2:1.
No, not 2 parts eggnog to 1 part whiskey.
2 parts WHISKEY to every 1 RELATIVE in your home that you wish was someplace (anyplace) else.

And tell your kids to leave Santa beer & pretzels.

He'll leave them better stuff.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lynchburg Lemonade

It's December.
It's Christmas Season. 
It's 2 weeks away from the official first day of Winter. 
And it's 71°F outside.
Let's have a SUMMER cocktail!

1.5  oz        Jack Daniels 
1/2  oz        Triple Sec 
   oz         Sweet & Sour mix

Pour liquors and Sweet & Sour into a rocks glass 3/4 filled with ice


Fill with 7-UP

Stir gently

Wonder which one will arrive first:  the Winter of 2012, or the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012?

Friday, November 30, 2012


Month end has me swamped, so no recipe.

But you can always try:

it's good.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pumpkin Pie (the *shot*)

Friday Cocktail List™...Thanksgiving Early Edition  
"Do you like Pumpkin Pie?" 
"I don't..."

(sorry, inside joke)
This one was inspired by a conversation with a co-worker this morning.  It's a layered shot, so it looks really pretty, and tastes kinda like the namesake, too.  If you need help with layering, there are some very good tutorial videos available on the YouTubes.

1/2  oz        Irish Cream 
1/2  oz        Amaretto 
1/4  oz        Cinnamon Schnapps      

In the tallest, most slender shot glass you have, layer the ingredients in the order listed. 

You MUST go in the order listed or you'll just end up with a really murky concoction. 

Take your time, it's worth it. 

If you are a Cowboys & Mavericks fan (like me) it's probably gonna be a loooooong weekend.  You might wanna consider this other Thanksgiving-related drink instead (and lots of them):

Friday, November 16, 2012

White Russian

On November 21 the remake of one of teenage Craig's favorite films, Red Dawn, releases in theaters.  While global politics has changed dramatically the last 20 years, I know the Russians are still the bad guys...

oz            Vodka
1 oz 

half & half

Fill rocks glass 3/4 with ice

Add vodka & kahlua


Fill with half & half

The Ultimate White Russian:


Friday, November 9, 2012

Old Fashioned

Per request, a classic cocktail: 

oz            Bourbon
2 dashes

tsp           sugar

1                 Maraschino Cherry

Fill rocks glass 3/4 with ice

Add bourbon

Add sugar & bitters

(Optional) Add more bourbon

(Possibly) Add more bourbon

Garnish with cherry
(Non-compulsory) Pour into larger glass
(At your discretion) Add'm more bourbon
(Voluntary) More eyesh coobs

(Elective) MOORE WHISHKeYyyyyyyy!

OK, so technically this calls for a splash of water.  But, and I'll Appeal to Authority here...

"I don't water down my drinks.  And neither should you."

---Craig 11/9/12