J.R. Ewing, of the 2-era spanning hit series Dallas, remains the all-time greatest villain in television history.
Unless you count C-SPAN as television...then this b**** wins.
J.R. was played by the great Larry Hagman, who died November 23, 2012. Every year television's Emmy Awards has a nice eulogy section for TV stars that passed in the previous calendar year. So on this year's "In Memoriam" segment they of course...didn't mention him at all.
He was J.R. ****ing EWING!!!
The episode "Who Done It?", which revealed the answer to the worldwide question "Who shot J.R.?" was at it's time the highest-watched TV series episode EVER (and currently sits in second place to this day). Again, J.R. Ewing. I suppose they must have had a very good reason to not include the actor of the tube's most iconic villain, right?
1) Fill a rocks glass with ice
The strung-out punk from Glee? Instead of J.R.?
It's official, friends. Network television sucks.
2 oz Bourbon
1/2 oz Amaretto
1/2 oz Amaretto
2) Add liquors
3) Stir