Friday, December 21, 2012

Merry Christmas!

No measurements today.
Though I recommend a ratio of 2:1.
No, not 2 parts eggnog to 1 part whiskey.
2 parts WHISKEY to every 1 RELATIVE in your home that you wish was someplace (anyplace) else.

And tell your kids to leave Santa beer & pretzels.

He'll leave them better stuff.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Lynchburg Lemonade

It's December.
It's Christmas Season. 
It's 2 weeks away from the official first day of Winter. 
And it's 71°F outside.
Let's have a SUMMER cocktail!

1.5  oz        Jack Daniels 
1/2  oz        Triple Sec 
   oz         Sweet & Sour mix

Pour liquors and Sweet & Sour into a rocks glass 3/4 filled with ice


Fill with 7-UP

Stir gently

Wonder which one will arrive first:  the Winter of 2012, or the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012?